Best Robot Pool Cleaners in 2024
Best Robot Pool Cleaners in 2024

The 5 Best Robot Pool Cleaners in 2024: Reviews & Rated

From budget-friendly options to feature-packed powerhouses, find the perfect pool cleaning bot for your needs!


Let’s face it, cleaning your pool can feel like a chore. But what if there was a trusty sidekick to take on the scrubbing and skimming, freeing you up for more poolside fun? Enter robotic pool cleaners, the innovative bots that are revolutionizing pool maintenance.

In this post, we’ll dive into the sparkling world of robotic pool cleaners, exploring the top 5 models of 2024. We’ll break down their features, benefits, and ideal uses to help you find the perfect match for your pool.

So, whether you have a sprawling oasis or a cozy above-ground haven, get ready to reclaim your weekends and enjoy a cleaner, more inviting pool!

1. Aiper Seagull Pro: Best Robot Pool Cleaner Overall


The Aiper Seagull Pro makes a strong case for the top spot on your shortlist, especially if you have a large in-ground pool (up to 3,200 square feet) that needs a good scrub down. This robotic cleaner boasts a quad-motor system, with dedicated motors for powerful suction and efficient brushing. The Seagull Pro lives up to its name by effortlessly scaling walls and scrubbing the waterline, leaving no grime behind.

The Aiper Seagull Pro takes robotic pool cleaning to new heights (literally) with its wall-climbing capabilities. With a long runtime of up to 3 hours and smart navigation, it tackles large pools efficiently. This feature-rich cleaner stands out for its ability to handle various cleaning needs with three selectable modes (auto for floor and walls, floor only, or walls only).


  • Cleans floors, walls, and waterline
  • Three cleaning modes for targeted cleaning
  • Powerful quad-motor system
  • Smart navigation for efficient cleaning patterns
  • Long runtime (up to 3 hours)
  • Suitable for large pools (up to 3,200 sq. ft.)


  • Pricier than some pool cleaners on the market

Is it right for you?

The Aiper Seagull Pro is ideal for pool owners with large in-ground pools who want a feature-rich cleaner that handles floors, walls, and the waterline. If you have a smaller pool or are on a tighter budget, you might consider a more basic model.

2. Dolphin Escape: Best for Above Ground Pools


Next up is the Dolphin Escape, a popular choice for above-ground and in-ground pools up to 33 feet in diameter. This mid-range robotic cleaner offers a good balance of features, performance, and price.

The Dolphin Escape is a workhorse cleaner that methodically tackles dirt, leaves, and debris with its powerful dual motors and innovative HyperBrush technology. This brush system combines scrubbing and vacuuming for a thorough clean.

The Escape boasts a top-loading filter cartridge that’s easy to access and clean, plus clever SmartNav 2.0 technology ensures efficient pool coverage.


  • Cleans floors and walls of above-ground and in-ground pools
  • Powerful dual motors with HyperBrush technology
  • Easy-to-clean top-loading filter cartridge
  • SmartNav 2.0 for efficient navigation
  • Suitable for various pool sizes (up to 33 ft. diameter)


  • May not be suitable for very large pools
  • Some users report a shorter cord length as a minor drawback

Is it right for you?

The Dolphin Escape is a versatile option for most pool owners, particularly those with above-ground pools or smaller in-ground pools. It provides a good balance of cleaning power, user-friendly features, and affordability. If you have a very large pool or want a cleaner with wall-climbing abilities, you might consider the Aiper Seagull Pro we reviewed earlier.

3. Dolphin Nautilus CC Plus: Best for In-Ground Pools


The Dolphin Nautilus CC Plus is a contender for those seeking a reliable and powerful robotic pool cleaner without breaking the bank. This mid-tier option from Dolphin tackles in-ground pools up to 50 feet long, making it suitable for most backyards.

The Nautilus CC Plus packs a punch with its dual scrubbing brushes and powerful suction, effectively cleaning floors and walls. Its SmartNav 3.0 navigation system ensures efficient pool coverage in a methodical cleaning pattern. While it doesn’t have the fancy app connectivity of some newer models, it features a programmable weekly timer for hassle-free scheduling.


  • Cleans floors and walls of in-ground pools up to 50 feet long
  • Powerful dual scrubbing brushes and vacuuming action
  • SmartNav 3.0 navigation for efficient cleaning
  • Programmable weekly timer for automatic cleaning
  • Budget-friendly option compared to some high-end models


  • Lacks app connectivity and remote control features found on some newer models
  • Doesn’t clean the waterline

Is it right for you?

The Dolphin Nautilus CC Plus is a great choice for budget-conscious pool owners with in-ground pools up to 50 feet. It delivers strong cleaning performance with dual brushes and a smart navigation system, freeing you from manual cleaning drudgery.

4. Polaris Sport: Best Smart Robot Pool Cleaner


The Polaris Sport is a powerhouse designed for in-ground pools up to 150 feet long. This high-end robotic cleaner boasts advanced features and top-notch cleaning performance, making it ideal for large estates and commercial pools.

The Polaris Sport is the brain and brawn of the robotic pool cleaning world. It tackles large pools with ease, using artificial intelligence to navigate around obstacles and ensure complete cleaning coverage. The impressive dual-motor system combined with Variable Speed Propulsion ensures powerful cleaning across floors, walls, and even the waterline. Plus, the Polaris app allows for remote control and scheduling, making pool maintenance a breeze.


  • Cleans floors, walls, and waterline of large in-ground pools (up to 150 ft.)
  • Powerful dual-motor system with Variable Speed Propulsion
  • AI-powered navigation for intelligent cleaning patterns
  • App control for remote operation and scheduling
  • Ideal for large and heavily used pools


  • Pricier than most other robotic pool cleaners on this list
  • May be overkill for smaller pools

Is it right for you?

If you’re a proud owner of a large in-ground pool and value cutting-edge technology for effortless pool cleaning, then the Polaris Sport is a perfect fit. The combination of smart navigation, powerful cleaning, and app control makes it a top-of-the-line choice for large and heavily used pools.

5. Aiper Seagull SE: Best Budget Robot Pool Cleaner


For those seeking a cordless and hassle-free cleaning solution for above-ground pools or smaller in-ground pools (up to 40 feet), the Aiper Seagull SE is an interesting option. This budget-friendly cleaner offers a convenient user experience with its cordless design and easy operation.

The Aiper Seagull SE stands out for its cordless design, eliminating the annoyance of tangled cords. Simply pop it in the pool and watch it work its magic. While it doesn’t have the bells and whistles of some high-end models, it features dual brushes for effective floor cleaning and a long 90-minute runtime on a single charge. The LED indicator keeps you informed on battery status and cleaning cycles.


  • Cordless design for hassle-free operation
  • Easy to use with one-button activation
  • Cleans floors of above-ground and smaller in-ground pools (up to 40 ft.)
  • Dual brushes for efficient debris pickup
  • 90-minute runtime on a single charge
  • Affordable price point


  • Doesn’t clean walls or waterline
  • Lacks features like app control or navigation patterns
  • May not be suitable for large or heavily used pools

Is it right for you?

The Aiper Seagull SE is ideal for owners of above-ground pools or smaller in-ground pools who prioritize a convenient and cordless cleaning solution. Its user-friendly design, affordable price tag, and decent cleaning performance make it a solid choice for these pool sizes.


So there you have it, our roundup of the top 5 robotic pool cleaners for 2024! With a variety of features, price points, and pool sizes catered to, there’s a perfect robotic pool cleaner out there for every pool owner. Consider your pool’s size, features you desire, and budget to make the best choice. With your trusty robotic companion by your side, you can spend less time cleaning and more time enjoying the cool, refreshing water of your sparkling pool!

